Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We're havin' a BABY!

Yep... that's right folks. We are expecting baby numero dos in August. We are excited! Being pregnant this time around has been a little different. I am much less stressed out in general and don't worry about every ache and pain as I did with Halle. Also, with a 2-year old there isn't much time to sit around and think about baby number 2.
I know it is completely normal for parents to have two children and people do it every day, however sometimes the thought of being responsible for TWO children instead of one is a little stressful. The other night while laying in bed, as Halle hugged me around the neck she said "Mommy, I need you". I suddenly felt this huge sense of being overwhelmed. Soon there will be two little ones that "need me".

But... I like being needed!


Kimberly said...

Two!! Oh, please!! When you are expecting number 4, I will be sympathetic!! Ha Ha Ha!!

Nora said...

hey vanessa! here's the recipe:
2 cans italian diced tomatoes. DO NOT DRAIN.
RINSE AND DRAIN these in colander (I stick them all in together):
1 can black beans
1 can corn
1 can kidney beans
1 can white beans, any type
chop an onion, saute in a bit of olive oil + butter.
Add tomatoes. Reduce heat to med/lo. Add beans + corn. Add whatever spices you like (I add approx. 1/2 t. of salt, pepper, chili powder, basil, oregano, thyme, sage, and rosemary.)
Simmer for 15-20 mins on LO heat. Whip up some JIffy cornbread (add an extra 1/3 C. water to the batter to make it more moist) and top bean goulash w/cheddar cheese. Enjoy!